Yes, my favourite topic. Rainbows. Nature's greatest creation, or so I'd like to think. :P And this article is full of just that. Ever since I've come to Glasgow, I've seen many a rainbow. Which has made me come to believe that Glasgow is special. I've not seen so many rainbows since... ever! In school, we learned that rainbows were made up of 7 colours - ROYGBIV (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet) (and we had that mnemonic to remember: Roy Of York Gained Battle In Vain.) and in Bahasa Malaysia (merah, jingga, kuning, hijau, biru, indigo, ungu) (and the mnemonic we remembered for it in Malay was [don't laugh!]! :P Michael Jackson Killed His Brother In USA. [All the kids, unsurprisingly remembered our rainbow colours, henceforth in school.])
And just to inject a bit of science in this post for intellectual posterity ;) , here's a link to read more on how rainbows are formed. Rainbows and its basics. See, my posts are also good for the kids! :P
Right, enough of the rainbow rants... we all know what you've really come here for... the pictures!
this photo was taken by my friend, P, who's an avid photographer. Just had to share it with y'all. :)
A base of a German rainbow.Peer carefully at the pic, you can *just* about see it.
A better pic of that German rainbow. :) I took this picture!
I was pleasantly surprised when I woke up one Sunday morning and saw a rainbow in my room. I felt so blessed!
This was another (compact) rainbow I found in my room when I came home from class one day. I think it was formed from my rainbow pencil case (which you can see in the picture) but I'd like to think that it's something better than that. (Now you can see I like raibow colours a lot - even my pencil case si like that! :P
Divine rainbow light. Same rainbow but a closeup.
The day I saw a double rainbow. It was a good day, in spite of me feeling a little pensive that day.
The double rainbow closeup. I stood watching it until it faded away into the evening light.