Alright, I've been working on my journal the whole of Saturday. It's up and running at journal(dot)puredew(dot)com and I've removed quite a bit of images that were on the sidebar to enable faster page loading. I put those images in a separate page with a link for those interested to click on it.
So far, so good. :)
Now, it's layouts. Right now, it's 3AM Sunday morning and I'm tweaking the layouts of my journal when I should be sleeping. :-/Somehow, I'm having trouble with my images - need to fix it before I can sleep. I didn't reply many emails - just a few. Still got so many more people to write to and I haven't had time to read many blogs. Let alone post comments. :(
Anyway, things to work on in my journal after layouts:
1. Try and add a WYSIWYG HTML editor for blog entries and comments
2. Tweak Comments template so anonymous unregistered visitors can leave a name and email/URL when they comment
3. Update my daily blog reading list - I've got a couple more blogs to add on.
4. ...
I can't think of anything else, really sleepy...
Yesterday - 28th August - I cut my 2nd birthday cake at home, this time with my family. We took some photos too and then, we went out for a buffet supper at the PJ Hilton. Yes, at 11PM - we were stuffing our faces. But, the conversation was better than the food. :)
Oh, and my sis took me for a M.A.C shopping spree! It was über cool! I had a makeover done by a professional M.A.C. artist and got a concealer (NC42), and M.A.C. LustreLipGlass (Beaux) too. As it was a promotion, they also gave a li'l bag, eye makeup remover and demiwipes with it. And my sis is way, way, waaay knowledgeable about makeup - she was as good (prolly even better!) than those M.A.C. makeup artists.
I love playing around with makeup but I practically never wear much on my face. In fact, up until last year, my makeup skills were pretty much limited to face powder, an occasional dash of lipstick and if it was a formal thing, then a little mascara on my eyelashes and blush on my cheeks. Finito.
But, after she introduced me to M.A.C. and their wonderful colours of eyeshadow, there was no turning back. I probably will never be as good as her in putting makeup on (I don't have much patience!) but if I could learn some tricks on getting it to look natural, that's good enough for me. :).
Today, I've got to go and collect my glasses. The optician never called back. grrr. So, I'm gonna give 'em a call tomorrow and find out what's the deal with my glasses. They better be not stringing me along. I'm so sick of it.
And also, I'm going with my father to Tesco/Carrefour tomorrow to get my suitcases. I really have not an inkling on how to choose luggage. They all look the same to me - how on earth can you tell if it's good and sturdy? If it were up to me, I'd just get a Samsonite or a Delsey and make sure that it was of a nice colour. :P Since my dad's been buying the suitcases all this while for us, I might as well ask him to teach me how to choose 'em.
I think I'll go to bed now. I'm re-uploading my layouts via FTP to my journal. And it's gonna take awhile. So, I'll leave it uploading while I catch some zzzz's..
I've never had a MAC makeover, but I went to a promo night at Nordy's that they had one season. It doesn't cease to amaze me how they can take a perfectly normal looking person and make them look like a freak. In your case, however, it appears as though you didn't have an overzealous makeup artist. I have some of their stuff and it's very nice - love the studio fix. love makeup, period.
I did notice that some makeup artists can be overenthusiastic and go over the top while applying makeup. :) I'm the sort that likes understated makeup - nothing too fancy, otherwise when people stare at me, I'll feel weird. And yes, the studio fix is great! I'm trying out their M.A.C. LustreGlass out now too and loving it! :)
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